What This Blog is About

Hello There...

Thank you for tuning in to Life and Death: Working on the Front Line.  

Disclaimer: *To preserve confidentiality, under no circumstances will my identity, or the identities of my work place or staff / patients will be disclosed when writing this blog.*

Why am I Making This Blog?

Like many teenagers and young adults, I never knew myself what I wanted to do or where I wanted to be when I grew up.  What I first studied at university all those years ago is no relevance to my current career within the health industry.  Therefore one of the reasons why I decided to make this is to try to inspire others who are unsure of where they want to be, individuals who are thinking of a change of career into the medical profession to take that step.  Healthcare is definitely challenging, but also insanely rewarding at the same time.

In addition, healthcare is a field that can be physically and mentally demanding.  I know from experience, bottling things inside just eats away at you and is not healthy for the body and mind.  Writing things here will also be a way for me to share stories to help alleviate this stress.  Reluctantly... reflective practice is a big part of any healthcare professional's professional development as learning objectives can be identified to enhance future practice. This blog will also help with that.

What Will This Blog Include?

Again, emphasising confidentiality, no identities will be revealed about myself, staff or patients.  This blog will include real life and current experiences in working in nursing as a registered professional since qualification.  Once a week, I will be publishing Insights into what I have done, what I do on a daily basis and to share my learning experiences for other fellow professionals / students.

As well as featuring current events, this blog will have a flashback feature every so often to what life was like during my stint in paramedic training before my own ill health prevented me from completing this.  It's very different working in a hospital environment compared to an ambulance.  I also aim for this to allow for my own professional development as well as knowledge and learning for other professionals / students out there.

If the demand is there, I will be willing to feature guides for clinical skills within my own capabilities and scope of practice

Many thanks for reading.  I hope this blog provides something for people out there contemplating a career in healthcare or current students working towards graduation.


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